Universal Studios Singapore, Gardens by the Bay, & Pulau Ubin

After papers, midterms, and classes, I am back to writing. Almost all of the work that I’ve had this semester was piled into the past two weeks, and that means no updating my blog. But it’s over, so I can update you all on what I’ve been doing lately.

After Mckenna and I got back from Bali, we went to Universal Studios over the weekend. We entered Universal right when it opened, and got to ride most of the ‘big’ rides without having to wait in line. The theme park is quite small, so it doesn’t take long to walk through the whole park. But the rides are fun, and that’s what matters. We got a fast pass for five of the rides, so we were able to ride our favorite rides multiple times throughout the day.

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The Universal Studios around the world have different castles, and Singapore's castle is Far Far Away from Shrek!

The Universal Studios around the world have different castles, and Singapore’s castle is Far Far Away from Shrek!

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Gingy even made a special appearance.

Gingy even made a special appearance.

Not the gumdrop buttons!

Not the gumdrop buttons!

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According to Mckenna, you might be able to find real dinosaurs in here...

Rumor has it you might be able to find real dinosaurs in here…

After we left Universal, we went to a nearby restaurant by the park to make our own pancakes!

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After the pancakes we called it a day, and headed home.

The next week we went to Gardens by the Bay, and loved what we found. SG 2 015

Gardens by the Bay has two greenhouses, but one of them was closed. so we were only able to see the Cloud Forest. The Cloud Forest is an indoor dome that is supposed to mimic rain forests at higher altitudes (around 2000 meters), so this was pretty cool to see.

Tallest indoor waterfall in the world.

Tallest indoor waterfall in the world.

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After visiting the Cloud Forest, we left to go to the Sky Trees.

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View from the catwalk.

View from the catwalk.

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Part of the light show that the park puts on.

Part of the light show that the park puts on.

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After visiting the Gardens by the Bay, we called it a night, because we were heading to Pulau Ubin the next day.

Pulau Ubin is a smaller island off of the north east of Singapore, and it has been left relatively untouched since Singapore gained independence in 1965. The island gives you a sense of what Singapore looked like 50 years ago, and really puts into perspective the amount of change that the country has experienced over the last half-century.

To get to the island, you take a 10 minute boat right from the main island.

To get to the island, you take a 10 minute boat right from the main island.

To get around the island, you can rent a bike for the day. The bikes definitely are not the best bikes in the world, but they were manageable.

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The island is also home to wild boar!

The island is also home to wild boar!

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The boardwalk on the island.

The boardwalk on the island.

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A lake next to an old quarry.

A lake next to an old quarry.

One of the places to take a break and have a drink.

One of the places to take a break and have a drink.

After Pulau Ubin, Mckenna left to go back home two days later. Although I was sad to see her leave, I am so happy that we were able to spend two months together here.

Tomorrow I am leaving to go to Cambodia to check out the Angkor temples, then I will be traveling to Bangkok, Thailand for a few days. After I get back, my mom is visiting me a week later, then finals begin to start after she leaves. Time is going by extremely fast, but I’m trying to take advantage of the last few weeks that I have here. I’ll try to post about my trip to Cambodia and Thailand soon after I get back, so keep an eye out for that.

Thanks for reading!