Bali Part 2

Aaaand here’s part two. Sorry it took me a little longer than expected, but here is the second half of my Bali adventure!

After the monkey forest in the morning, Mckenna and I were picked up by a driver, and we made our way to Amed! Amed is a small fishing town on the north east coast of Bali. Ubud is the place where tourists go to get away from other tourists, Amed is even less touristy, and more of a local town. After a three hour drive to get there, including another stop at a coffee plantation, we arrived.

Someone got a little sleepy on the way to Amed.

Someone got a little sleepy on the way to Amed.

Amed Beach, with Mt. Agung, the tallest volcano in Bali, in the background.

Amed Beach, with Mt. Agung, the tallest volcano in Bali, in the background.

We got into Amed at around 4:30, so we decided to walk around the town for a little bit, then grab dinner.

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Food was even cheaper in Amed. A meal was about $5, and you can’t beat the views. After dinner we went back to the place we were staying, and planned for the next day.

The next day we went to Tulamben, a town about 20 minutes away from Amed, to go snorkeling at the USAT Liberty Shipwreck site. Since this was my first time snorkeling, I thought it was awesome. We got to see so many different kinds of fish (puffer fish, angel fish, clown fish, and so many more), as well as coral growing on the the ship. Unfortunately since we were in the water and didn’t have a waterproof case for our phones, I wasn’t able to get any pictures.

After a long day of snorkeling and hanging out at the beach, we went to dinner at one of the fancier places in Amed called Sail. While we were in the room getting ready to go to dinner, a nasty storm came through Amed, and knocked down a couple of trees, one of which fell on the main power lines. This knocked out the power for all of Amed, and the power didn’t come back until the next morning. We got to Sail as the sun was beginning to set, so as the night went on, it progressively got darker, to the point where the chefs cooking the food had to have someone hold a light over them so they could cook. It was actually a pretty cool dining experience, because the only light was from the candle at our table. The food was delicious too, so it all worked out.

The next morning we hired a driver for the day, and made our way to the south eastern part of Bali. The main place we were going to was Virgin Beach, but along the way we stopped at the Amlapura Market, which is a traditional market in Bali. All kinds of fruits, rices, and many other things could be found here.

A few of the different kinds of fruits.

A few of the different kinds of fruits.

The knives that farmers use in the fields.

The knives that farmers use in the fields.

The women in Bali carry things on their heads like this, and as it turns out, it is pretty difficult.

The women in Bali carry things on their heads like this, and as it turns out, it is pretty difficult.

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I had been looking for a rice hat to take back home, and they could be found just about everywhere we went in Bali. I decided to buy one here because it was pretty cheap, and I liked the one that I bought the most. After buying my hat, I wore it around for most of the time we were at the market. When we got back to the car to head towards the beach, Mckenna found a bunch of spiders inside the hat. If you know me well, you know that I HATE spiders. So while I was wearing the hat around the market, I had a bunch of spiders on my head. This was quite a terrifying experience for me, something that I hope never happens again. Besides the spider part, the market was really cool, and we also got Hawaiian shirts, which will make an appearance later in this post.

Trying on the spider infested hats...

Trying on the spider infested hats…

Before knowing spiders were on my head.

Before knowing spiders were on my head.

After a short walk from where cars can’t go any further, we arrived at the beach! The beach was beautiful, and I will let the pictures do the talking.

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We also did some snorkeling here, but again, I wasn’t able to get any pictures.

After spending most of the day at the beach, we went went out for dinner for our last night in Amed. We wore the shirts that we bought at the market, and had to get a picture as tourists with them.

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We decided to eat at a Warung, which is a small family owned restaurant. It was nice to just hangout at the beach for dinner, and relax before we headed to Nusa Dua for our last day.

A pina colada, banana milkshake, two meals, and dessert for $11.

A pina colada, banana milkshake, two main dishes, and dessert for $11.

We left for Nusa Dua at 8am, and stopped along the way at  the Tirta Gangga Water Palace. You can read more about the palace here.

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After we made it to Nusa Dua, we checked into the Marriott that we were staying in. (Thank you to Mckenna’s dad Doug for letting us use his points for a room!) After we checked in, we headed to the beach to eat lunch. Bali 353

We didn’t do much in Nusa Dua since it’s kind of far from the things to see in the southern part of Bali, plus the weather wasn’t great, so we just took it easy and walked around the beach and the surrounding areas. Later that night after dinner we walked by a couple street vendors and Mckenna negotiated for her first time in Bali!

After sealing the deal.

After sealing the deal.

Our flight left in the morning the next day, so we said farewell to Bali. It was such a fun trip, and I am so happy that we were able to travel together.

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And that’s it for Bali!

Mckenna and I recently went to Universal Studios in Singapore, so keep an eye out for that post! As always, thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Bali Part 2

  1. Gosh darn I truly enjoy your stories about your travels in Southeast Asia. I’m starting to look forward to what will happen next in your travels. Keep up the great work!!


  2. SPIDERS!!!!!!!!!! If only I could post the VINE video of the one at home you had Nicholas kill. LOVE IT (but not that your head was full of spiders)!!!!!!! At least McKenna found them before you packed the hat in your luggage! Love you! Mom


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